Note that RF24 does NOT reset when Arduino resets - only when power is removed This is the result sent to the series monitor after loading the skecth, it doesn´t says anything as if the module NRF24L01+PA+LNA doesn´t exists.įIRST WITH THE DEFAULT ADDRESSES after power on The radio module is NFR24L01+PA+LNA- transceptor module Rf with SMA antena, connected to a voltage adapter 5V-3.3V YL-105. In order to verify the communication I´ve tried three different Arduino Nano Avery (originals from the Brand) and the test shows no kind of comunication with radio modules. However, I can´t make the NFR24L01+ communicate with the Arduino Nano Avery, I´ve tried for many days, I´m using the skecth suggested by Robin2. I´m working on a Project of social character where I want to assemble an automatized irrigation system based of a series of humidity sensors connected to Arduino Nano Avery (nodes), connected to a station (Master) Arduino MKR 1010 they function with Wireless communication through radiofrecuency modules (NFR24L01+) in network with the Master and to internet by WiFi.